Monday, April 23, 2012

Sneak Peak at Tyler's senior portraits.  Had a lot of fun with this sweet Academy family yesterday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

 This was such a fun shoot!!  We took our time and went to several locations. Shelby is a beautiful Belton High School senior.  She will be going to Texas A&M after taking the summer off to help her mom with her younger brother and I am sure to have some more fun with her friends.  So honored to get to capture this very special time in her life.

Shelby, I loved working with you and I wish you the best of luck at A&M!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

God is ALWAYS good.  I was studying Romans 8:28 today and during this time God taught me so much.  This verse is so encouraging to me.  It made me realize that the hardships in our lives don't come from God.  He does not throw you into the water just so he can throw you a life raft to show his love.  He does not make bad things happen just so he can be our Hero.
It is so funny how we learn from his word.  I was actually studying to prepare for the talk I have to give to our YoungLives girls next week and I'll be, if he wasn't using that to teach me a lesson.  Things happen to us because we are human , living in a sinful word.  Does God want these things to happen to us, NO!!!  He wants to be there to get us to the other side of it.  He wants to be our rock, our leader and our guide,  our comforter and our peace.  Do you think God really made you sick, so that he could heal you & show how powerful he is.  Do you really think God wants us to suffer.  Do you really think he has to do that to show his power.  It really makes you think.  I create most of my problems all by myself,  I don't need anyones help.   God is our father and he only wants to protect you from this world and teach you.  Now don't get me wrong God does have a firm hand and is unwavering in what he wants you to do, he is our father.

What might have destroyed your life ( not caused by God ) can be turned into something beautiful and used for his glory.  No matter how sorted the details or how great the loss.   God loves you and did not do that to you.  He does however want to see you through it and give you peace.

God has so much that he wants to bless you with!!!!  I did something the other day that I did not want to do.  I wanted to relax while my kids were in school , not have to be productive for someone else.  I was running on my last bit of patience and was low on caffeine.  But  I resisted the urge to say "NO" and God blessed me for it ten fold!!!  Listening to god is not the hard part..... obeying is. To him be the glory!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

This sweet couple has such a fun story.  They have known each other for 10 years, but there love was a long awaited one.  After dating for three years Kelsea decided to up and move to New York City. I only understood why she did after we visited and had the best of times. But these two were meant to be together.  After 5 years of living in Manhattan, Kelsea returned to Texas and to the love that was waiting for her.  After a year of rekindling their affection for each other, Ryan popped the question.  These two are due to be married at the end of September and I could not be more happy for them.  Congrats you two!!!!