Monday, July 23, 2012


        Usually in Texas on a hot day in July we don't see just a ton of rain, but as luck would have it, on the day of this long awaited photo shoot,  it starts to rain.  Luckily under the oak tree we managed to stay a little dry.  The Schmitz family are troopers.  The kiddos were a little wet, but happy as pie and the shoot turned out great!!  

Friday, July 6, 2012

                                    Starks Davis Eidson ( Sonny )

I am so glad I got to take these pictures because now I get to share them with you.  This sweet baby boy is the third son of a dear friend.  Not only is he precious but he has the coolest name ( names ).  Sonny was born on June 22 around noon and weighed in at 6lbs 9oz and was 19'' long.  Kristy says she doesn't  want to speak to soon , but he is the best baby.  Although, he was awake for the entire shoot, to my delight he was happy to sit awkwardly  in a basket with lights shining on him for quite a long time & then lay on the hard floor.  The only sleeping pic I got is one where it just looks like he is sleeping, I got lucky.  Congrats Eidson family , you have a handsome bunch of boys!