Saturday, August 25, 2012

the places we spend our time

after a shoot is done another kind of fun begins...editing. i spend hours upon hours each week in my quant little office at our home.  at first I just made due with what i had and didn't think much of it.... later when i realized just how much of my life I was spending in here, I decided to spruce the place up a bit.  I really had no intentions of taking pictures of it, nor am I doing it to brag.  I am taking this opportunity to practice.  Like anything else,  you learn from experience.  the more pictures I shoot the better I am at my craft.  other photographers will agree that shooting indoor can be very challenging. this room  has a single small window and a chandelier, which gives off a nice glow , but i have very little natural light which we always long for. so here is a look at where I spent a good deal of my life!

i know i really have no use for dishes in this office, but i love dishes.  really not so much to put food on, but to have stacked around and hanging on the wall.  

i debated about cleaning the mirrored desk.  it  has smudged handprints all over it , but that would not be authentic.  it gives you a little glimpse into the real world where things are not always perfect, but have precious prints of your little ones hands.  my mom would not clean a window once because it had Cinco's baby hand prints on it, would not be surprised if she never does wipe it clean.

it really didn't take much to turn this place into an enjoyable atmosphere and i hardly spent any thing!  i think everything  is second hand except for my computer, which my sweet husband surprised me with on Mother's Day.  he gave it to me right before our friends showed up, we had Bible study at our house that night.  i had to wait all evening to plug that baby in and start her up.  i never want people to leave, but I was practically shoving them out the door.  those of you...and I  know you know who you are , I shoved you with love.

Oh, and the dog is not second hand, but is really old.  Gracy is my constant companion, my one foot shadow.  This old couch has become her old couch and a good place for the kids to park while they incessantly plunder me with question.

these things have particular sentimental value.  my mom and i hung the wall paper all by ourselves, we were very proud.  the cup with the scissors, a gift form a wonderful friend and the dish with the paper clips was my great grandmothers, she used it for jewelry. i know the wire basket leaves a lot to be desired , but it was a hand me down from my father  inlaws office.  I love having these kind of things surrounding me, and love thinking of the people they came from or belonged to....or pain stakingly helped hang... thanks mom.

Monday, August 20, 2012


I just loved this bright eyed little girl!  She was so happy even thought she was hungry and tired.  She had never had cake before and had no idea what to do with it and did not like the idea of having it all over her.  She would rather be nice and clean , just like her mamma prefers.  & thanks to Dad we got the balloons to appear to be still on a rather  windy evening.   He saved the day!
Thank you Barker Family!

To schedule a session


Monday, August 13, 2012

Hibbard Family Sneak Peak

 If you want to book a session, NOW is your chance.  I am booked through September and only have Three spots left in October and Three in November.  
