Thursday, May 10, 2012


This precious boy has three older brothers and is the youngest son of some of my dear friends.  Levi Joseph weighed in at 9lbs 6ozs and 21.5 inches. It seems big babies are the new black. Kind of like three is the new two.   This was my second 9lb baby shoot in 2 weeks.   I always worry when I have a shoot with a 9 pounder. Having had one myself, I know they can be very mature for their age,  awake and a lot more alert.  Cinco was really never a baby, he went directly into 3 month clothes and if I recall correctly asked me for a hamburger on the way home from the hospital.  He never looked like a little old man, he was pink and rosy.   It seemed everywhere I took him I was always surrounded by  little old ladies who swarmed him with their oohhs and ahhhs.  While grocery shopping and alway at church  everyone would always tell me, " treasure these moments when they are little,  it goes by so quickly."   I never took their advice.  I like most moms felt totally overwhelmed. I actually  wished he would turn two immediately so I could at least have him tell me what exactly he was crying about.  But of course, as it always turns out, those precious old ladies were right.  It did go by with a blink an eye, Cinco will be six at the end of this month.  
So now, on those days when I wake up and wish I was going directly back to bed, I try to remember how precious and fleeting this time truly is.   I make my most valiant effert to laugh through the craziness and not try to blink that precious day away.

precious |ˈpre sh əs|
adjective(of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly precious works of art my time is precious.• greatly loved or treasured by someone look after my daughter—she'svery precious to me.

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