Wednesday, September 26, 2012

its the little things that make life BIG

My kiddos are getting so big these days.  They are 6,5 & 3.  For the longest time, it seemed, I always had a baby.  Two at one time really, with the boys being so close together.  But as happy as I am that we are now watching our family grow, I still ( like I think many women do, hope I am not alone here ) long to have a baby around. This is where newborn shoots come in real handy.  For a few short hours I get to love on a precious new tiny person.  All  my senses are heightened as I notice those precious wrinkles , hear the soft sighs that they make when totally content, feel how soft and perfect their skin is to the touch and smell that oh so fleeting sweet clean baby smell.  I get to sway them to sleep and slowly put them down and capture the moments when they are most a ease.  What a blessing.  Thank you to all my clients who let me steal these moments with your families.  I am so thankful that you invite me into you lives for just a bit so I can capture a time in your life that you don't ever want to forget.  Oh, and I do have to say....that as soon as the baby start crying and we have the shots, I am more than happy to give them back.

 Benjamin Lane Roberts
August 10, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I got a call from my sister in law the other day in desperate need of a family photo for her kiddos school project.  Tiffany is a fellow photographer and she started the conversation by saying..."The cobblers kids have no shoes."  Well of course she can't take a family picture, with her in it at least.  I jumped at this opportunity because how often do you get to take pics of another photographer who will critique you and give you true constructive criticism !  Usually a client, if they are unhappy will never say so, and that makes it hard for me to do my job well.  I love every opportunity to learn and grow in photography.  You are never done learning I don't care how old you are or how good you think you are at something. With each session, I look to shoot in a new creative way and I love seeing the results each time.  Really each shoot takes on a life of its own and what I love the most is what a reflection it is of that family.  My favorite pictures out of this bunch are the ones with Jackson trying to make Logan smile & the one of my brother laughing.  It may not be your fav, but its mine because I know the sweet relationship that these two brothers have and I know how much my brother always make she laugh.  They are just precious, I hope when you are getting your portraits taken or just taking pictures of your kiddos you find the joy in the not so perfect ones, the ones where you all might not be looking at the camera or smiling, the ones that capture a moment of laughter or a interaction between sweet siblings.  Those, the unperfect ones are perfect to me.